Contact Us
may contact us through e-mail support now. If you have any query for
which registering in the forums is not necessary, or you are unlikely
to visit the forums after your question has been answered, please use
our e-mail support or come visit us on IRC. However, if you think your
question is stupid and you’re likely to get kicked, insulted or banned
by the ops, we strongly recommend you to use the support e-mail method
instead. You should allow at least 24 hours for e-mail response.
Anything of the playback issue nature, query regarding a series we’re
not subbing or a very common question should be taken up on the forums.
Do remember however that you can only ask something that has not already be answered in our FAQ section. Also, please refrain from sending thank you mails (use forums ). So keep that in mind and act accordingly.
Ways to contact us:
- IRC: Our IRC channel is
- Forums: To register in our forums, click on the Forum link in the right hand corner of this page.
- E-mail: You may e-mail us at
:: :: ::REMINDERS:: :: ::
- Do NOT ask about when a certain episode of a certain series will be released.
- Do NOT ask why a certain episode of a certain episode is being delayed or why it hasn’t come out yet.
- Do NOT ask about episodes that haven’t aired yet.
- Do NOT ask where to obtained licensed materials.
- Do NOT ask where to obtain raws. If you want to translate for us, use forum pm feature or the support e-mail.
- Do NOT come to us asking for a translator even you offer a joint.
- Do NOT msg ops on IRC W/O prior permission.
- Do NOT ask for our scripts.
- DO visit our FAQ section at least once.
NOTE: If you have a question regarding Oppai fansubs, only way to have it answered is to post in the appropriate board in the forums. You will need to contact the piggy. Visit the Piggy FAQ for details.